O HOLY GOD by Maxim Berezovsky
Choral Christian sheet music for SATB.
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"O Holy God " by Maxim Berezovsky was first recorded by Kyiv Chamber Choir and available on their CD " Masterpieces of Baroque Choral Music

Maxim Berezovsky /1745-1777/ was an unusual phenomenon who influenced on the development of musical art not only in the Ukraine. It was him who opened Ukrainian music to Europe. He was born in the small Ukrainian town Glukhovo where he gained his early musical education at the famous Tsar's Music Cappella School.

In the spring of 1769, Berezovsky was dispatched to Italy to continue his training with G. B. Martini, the renowned pedagogue and composer, and the master of the counterpoint technique. Martini was actually in charge of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy, a highly-regarded institution that tutored musicians from all of Europe. The good reputation of the Academy's acclaimed graduates was mainly based on the highest scientific and pedagogical authority of its head. On 15th of May of 1771 Maxim Berezovsky became the Academician of Bologna Academy of Philarmonics. To acquire the title of an Academician in Italy, one had not only to make the three grades, but to pass a final academic test. Berezovsky's assignment was to compose a polyphonic work on a given theme in the austere manner. Several months earlier, the 14-year-old Wolfgang Mozart had fulfilled a similar task.

Maxim Beresovsky was known as author of the first national opera and many traditional sonata-symphonic works though the main genre of his creativity was a cappella Christian praise and worship music. His concerto "Do Not Forsake Me" takes a special place in his creativity. The concerto has a deep philosophic sense and filled with dramatism. It is a confession of haggard composer's soul who very soon was tragically lost at age of 32 years


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